Make Your Own Hand Soap and Hand Sanitizing Wipes
The most effective way to clean our hands from dirt and soiling is to wash them well and thoroughly under a stream of water for at least 20 to 30 seconds. Ideally, you're washing your hands with a soap that will not dry out your skin, and still give you good cleaning effects.
Check out my video, where I show you how to make your own moisturizing and cleansing hand soap, using fresh Aloe Vera from the garden, and added Essential oils to add germ fighting potency and a wonderful fragrance.
After a good hand wash please be sure to avoid touching the faucet afterwards, especially if you are not at home, as this can re-contaminate the hands again. Try using a tissue or the back of your hand to turn the water off. (I demonstrate this in my video).
Ingredients: 3 Tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel from Flesh Plant or 3 Tablespoons Bottled Aloe Vera Gel
10 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil: BioMed Balance
10 Drops Lavender Essential Oil: BioMed Balance
5 Pumps Tea Tree Oil: Shea Moisture (~1/2 tsp)
6 Tablespoons Castille Soap: Nature's Oil
1 Cup Distilled Water (Filling up the rest of the bottle you are making)

Making your own hand wipes, will not only save you money, but it will also help to save your skin from becoming very dried out from continually using commercial products.
The special ingredient in this wipe is Vitamin E oil and Aloe vera; which keep the skin moisturized and protected. In addition, Lavender not only smells great, but it also has calming and soothing properties to keep our skin healthy.
When making the wipes, using an alcohol that is at least at 60% is recommended in general.
As always if your hands are very soiled and dirty, please try your best to wash them, as it is the friction action and then the rinsing away, that gets the hands thoroughly cleaned.
Always wash hands, if possible, before eating, before and after food preparing, especially if raw, after using the bathroom, if coming in contact with wounds, if in contact with animals or livestock, and when the hands are markedly soiled, just to name a few.
Try your hand at making your own hand soap, and sanitizing wipes that your family will love.