Buying Bulk Herbs and Spices
My family and I save a lot of money when we buy foods in bulk. Buying in bulk can give you a large amount, at an affordable price. If you know how to properly store your bulk purchase, you can really stretch your dollar and provide healthy food for your family for the long term.
In this video I take you through my spice cabinet, and I show you how much room a 1pound bag of Lemon Balm, and Marjoram will take up, when you store them in glass jars.
I would love to Share Azure with You.
You can use my link to start, and if you do, my family will benefit from a credit to our account, with your first purchase of at least $100 dollars. It costs nothing extra for you. You reap the great benefit of having healthy food and home products, and my family and I will also be blessed as well.
Thank you for sharing!
My Link for you to Start Azure:
My Code: MoniqueAdu1
#Azure Standard.